Choose Triggers

Last updated on Aug 23, 2024

What are Triggers?

Triggers play a crucial role in unlocking the secret data in a protection plan. The plan owner's response to the Triggers ultimately determines if the unlocking of the data can proceed or if the secret data must stay locked. The plan owner can choose (a combination of) different Triggers.

How do Triggers work?

When the merging process is initiated by the Merge Authority, the triggers selected in the protection plan are activated. Each Trigger has its own way of reaching out to the plan owner, all with the purpose of getting a response and be validated within the specified time period set by the plan owner passes.

The Triggers function differently in Data Backup plan and Digital Inheritance plans. In a Data Backup plan, all triggers must be confirmed by the plan owner before the merging of the shares can continue. In a Digital Inheritance plan, only the confirmation of one trigger is enough to stop the merging process and keep the secret data locked.

What Triggers can I choose?

When choosing Triggers, it's crucial to understand their purpose and how they operate within Data Backup and Digital Inheritance plans.

Inheriti offers a range of Triggers:

  • Login—you must log in to your protection plan within a specified time period.

  • Link click (sent in an email)—you must click on a link sent to you by email within a specified time period.

  • SMS—you must type in a secret code sent in by SMS within a specified time period.

  • Phone call—you must type in a code sent to you by automated phone call within a specified time period.

When selecting SMS or phone call, you can specify the desired quantity for each in your plan. This number determines how many times the Trigger can be utilized. It is important to note that in a Data Backup plan, all Triggers must be verified in order to access confidential information. You can add more SMS and phone calls to your plan at any time by accessing the Plan Details tab.

What is the risk of too many Triggers in a Data Backup plan?

In a Data Backup plan, the plan owner needs to confirm all triggers to continue the merging process. The more Triggers you choose, the more Triggers you need to confirm within the specified time period.

What is the risk of too little Triggers in a Digital Inheritance plan?

In a Digital Inheritance plan, the plan owner needs to confirm only one Trigger to stop the merging process. The less Triggers you choose, the less opportunities you have to block the merging process if it is not time yet.